THIS is the Week

February 11, 2020

People, can we talk just a minute?

I just need you all to know that THIS week, is THE WEEK...

Now, before you get all EXCITED for me, when I say that THIS week is THE WEEK, I don't mean that I get to go on a cool trip, my book is being published or my son has decided that actually he doesn't like being an adult that much and is moving home. No. None of those wonderful things are going on.

What actually IS going on is that I have so much to do this week, that I may just run away into the night, screaming, with my hair on fire. What's left of it.

This is the week in my schedule so far in 2020 that it seems like EVERYTHING I've been working on for the past few months is going down. Observe:

I sing with the Symphony of Southeast Texas Chorus and our concert is this Saturday evening. That translates into 3 rehearsals this week, plus the concert. Oh, and I can't really eat anything this week to make sure my dress fits.

Also, my theatre kids' one-act-play competition is in about a week-and-a-half. The trouble is that we're out of school next week, bad planning by someone? Oh, yeah, ME! So, we have to have our dress rehearsal tonight. Now, you may be saying,

"Oh, no problem. You've taught theatre for years, right?"

Yes, but we've never done one-act-play before; and, we may never again. I'm not sure there are as many rules dealing with bills becoming laws or rules concerning tax exemptions as there are for one-act-play. The water is up to my chin and I'm just hoping we don't get disqualified because of something I didn't do, did do and wasn't supposed to do, did too early or late, thought about doing, then fell asleep, or whatever.

So, I have something every night this week, except for Friday. But, what is Friday? Yep, Valentine's Day!! So, add a luncheon tomorrow for Robert's work the same time I have a hair appt and, you know, the pressure of trying to be romantic at the end of THIS WEEK. I'm thinking of suggesting we listen to music performed by the band My Bloody Valentine. Actually, I've never heard even 1 song from them, but let it never be said of me that I'm not up for something new.

I have 2 Bible study groups to attend, I have to make food for one and bring a gift for a Gal-entine exchange and wear PJs, which I don't really own, unless you count Christmas ones. I have had trial contacts waiting at my optometrist's office for about a week now and have 4 nails missing from my 10 fingers. So, you know, that's kind of a problem for the formal concert attire I'll be wearing Saturday night.

And, bringing up the end of this WEEK it's TAX SEASON for Robert, enough said there, and I started hacking again last night. During symphony rehearsal and all through the night. Like, all through the night, get it? So, I'm sleep deprived and feeling pretty crummy. Yay. Me. I hope that I will not cough up what's left of my lungs before Saturday night, because I'm guessing that would make it really hard to sing.

Ever had one of these weeks? Oh, I'm sure you have! The truth is, we all have these kinds of weeks - especially us women. Whether you work outside your home, part-time, full-time, some-time, we all have lives. We all have projects and things we're committed to doing and sometimes it all comes crashing down at the same time.

Now, I'd love to tell you that I handle these WEEKS like a champ. But, that would be sort of a lie. I mean, I'm better, people, SO much better than I used to be! But, it's still hard. In any given week, there are a plethora of things, vying for our attention. And, even then, it's tricky sometimes to prioritize them all, and give the main things our main attention. But, during one of these WEEKS, where it seems like EVERYTHING should be a priority, I just want to scream. Yes, there's the screaming again...

I may not always verbalize it, but sometimes I actually feel kind of angry, even resentful. I even ask myself things like,

Why can't someone else send all these emails? Why do I have to do EVERYTHING? Why did they move the symphony concert to February? We never sing in February! Why does my school have a Winter Break? I never had a Winter Break when I was in school! And, Valentine's Day, are you kidding me? Didn't I tell you I love you yesterday and again this morning? Sheesh, talk about needy...

See, it's good that I don't verbalize those things. I would have no job, no friends and no Valentine.

So, the question is this: What the heck do we do with WEEKS LIKE THIS?

Well, I really have no idea, but here's what I've done so far:

I prayed. Like, several times. I asked for divine wisdom, health and to borrow Joshua from the Bible to make the sun stand still for a couple of hours today. I don't see why that couldn't work out.

Then, I started my day, around 6am, when it became very clear that sleep just wasn't happening, by reading from Rachel Hollis' book, Girl, Stop Apologizing. Now, say what you will about Rachel Hollis, I mean, I don't hang my life values on her or anything, but here are 2 things I know about Mrs. Hollis:

She has a VERY successful business. If you didn't know that and care, look her up.

Also, I'm super glad I don't really know her, because today's chapter was about Excuse number 4 that's keeping me from realizing my dreams: "I don't have enough time." Guys, she scares me! She's like a motivational speaker, drill sergeant, mentor and best friend, all rolled into 1 tiny human. And, she doesn't care about your excuses. Yikes! But, that chapter got me going this morning.

Then, I made a list of all the things that MUST get done today. Now, as an Enneagram 7, I NEVER thought I'd see the day when I became a list maker. But, then I got old and cranky and don't have much lung capacity left, so I make lists sometimes now. So far today, I've checked 2 things off my list, am working on No. 3 and actually realized I could move one thing to another day. And, you know what, even though my body doesn't feel that great, on the inside, I feel GREAT!!! All I can say is, try it.

So, anyway, I guess you've been patient enough with my moaning and groaning, so I'll wrap this up. Whatever it is you have to do today, tomorrow and for the rest of your life - and MINE - remember this,

I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who gives me strength! That's Philippians 4:13, from the Bible. It's a PROMISE to all of us that no matter how long our list is, how we're feeling, how intense our purpose, job, or project feels, we can do it! Not in our own strength, mind you, but in Christ's.

And, thank God for that, because I think I left the rest of my strength at my sister-in-law's house in Austin last weekend.

and above all else love