A Much-Needed Update
March 4, 2020
OK, so I'm sure many of you think I must have died. And, honestly, there have been days where that looked like a pretty good option...
Historically, February just hasn't been a good month for me. I mean, that's weird because my kid, my son-in-law and mother-in-law were all born in February, which should make February a great month for me. But, in the last few years, February, for me, means SICKNESS. I've been sick SO many times during the month of February that when January comes to a close, I actually start to get a little nervous.
Anyway, some of you may remember that I was sick after getting home from my beloved NYC, with my Beloved, so I went to the doctor and got an antibiotic for a sinus infection. Simple enough, right?
Well, literally less than a week after finishing that antibiotic, I started coughing. I mean, REALLY coughing, like this deep chest cough that, when you hear it, you know the person doing the coughing must be a 3-packs-a-day chain smoker. So, I go back to the doctor with what I think is the flu. Nope, pneumonia. For. Real.
This brings us to the I'm-pretty-sure-I'm-going-to-die part of this story. I ran 102-103 temperature for 4 DAYS!!! 4 days, people! I'm sure I only have half of my brain cells left. I had a chill like I've never had before the first night and came bounding down the stairs, in my delirium, woke Robert up and told him I couldn't get warm. I scared him to death! I mean, this is me, who falls when just walking across the room, so bounding down the stairs with a high temp induced delirium is not good. He wrapped me up, begged me NOT to come down stairs again, (just yell, he said) and sat in the doorway of the room I was sleeping in for probably an hour. I love him so much!
Now, most of you regular humans think that's probably bad enough, but it gets worse. The antibiotic my doc put me on for the pneumonia made me sick at my stomach. I mean like, there-are-little-mice-in-my-stomach-having-a-dance-party, sick. It was miserable. Combine that with crushing fatigue and weakness and you have a pretty good idea of my February. Oh, February...
So, to complicate matters that were already ridiculous, my One Act Play competition with my theatre group was the 3rd Saturday in February. I was not running fever and my cough was getting better by then, but I was no where near well. Then, guess what? I lost my voice - completely - the Friday before the competition. And, I mean LOST IT - not just hoarse, like NO VOICE.
Then fast forward a few days. I was supposed to leave for Florida with several friends the following Thursday to attend the wedding of one of my best friend's daughter. And, go to Disney World.
Needless to say, these events seemed like parting the Red Sea must have seemed to Moses. I just did not know how I was going to make it.
Which brings me to the point of this whole post: gratefulness. The Bible tells us that we should be thankful in all things, at all times. Not necessarily for the difficulties, but find something to be thankful for WHILE you're going through the difficulties. And, I'm here to tell you I have SO MUCH to be grateful for, despite this illness and crazy schedule.
First of all, I'm so incredibly thankful for my friend, Shannon. She helps me out with theatre at our school. She is one of those people who underplays her importance, but I absolutely could not do theatre without her. Mainly because I have no idea what I'm doing, but together, she and I and some extremely talented kids get it done and done well.
When it was time to go to Houston for the competition, Robert was on his way to Temple for his mom's 90th birthday party (which I so hated to miss!) He was really concerned about me driving 2 hours to and from alone, because he knew I wasn't well. So guess what? Shannon and her family picked me, took me to Houston, took me to meals with them, then brought me home. And, don't forget, I had no voice, so Shannon did ALL of the instructing - much more than her share of the work. If she hadn't been willing to do that, who knows what would have happened?
And, our kids got 4th place, which is great for our first time at competition, and 4 of them were named to the All-Star Casts!
I'm SO grateful to my friend, Shannon, for being there for me, again. She is the best!
Fast forward to the Florida trip. Robert wasn't able to go - tax season - and he was really worried about me going on the trip, let alone going to Disney World ("Are you sure you should be going to Disney World?") By this time my voice was back, but I was still so tired that the trip worried me to death. But, because God loves me, by the time Wednesday rolled around, I was feeling much better and actually excited about the trip.
And, guess what again? Some close friends of mine picked me up, took me to Houston for the flight! Several of us stayed in a house we'd rented, and I'm here to tell you, we had a blast! I laughed more than I have laughed in a long time - which is my favorite thing to do! We talked, cut up, worked puzzles, then watched a young woman we all love so much begin her life with her new husband.
And, then we went to Disney World! Yep, a bunch of middle-aged , crazy people at Disney World and, we rocked it!
So, today, as I look back at February, I'm just grateful.
Grateful for a friend who ALWAYS has my back and complements my personality and skill set so that we have an incredible theatre department. (That's you, Shannon)
I'm thankful for a friend who always has a plan and makes sure we're on time for everything...even if it costs me an extra hour of sleep (You, Chad) - and his wife, who is probably the sweetest, most agreeable, encouraging person I know. (This is you, Shawn)
I'm thankful for puzzle-working friends, who helped me set a record on completing a puzzle...even when she doesn't wear her glasses and has no idea what colors she's seeing. (This is you guys, Don and Jeannie)
I'm thankful for laid-back friends. A friend who makes me laugh, even sometimes at her own expense and her husband, whose wit is a great match for mine and brings cashews everywhere we go, in case we get hungry. (Andra and Pat, of course)
I'm thankful for young, hip friends, to keep us cool, and introduce me to new LeCroix flavors, even though they lock me out of the bathroom sometimes and burn up my blow dryer. (Rob and Kate, of course)
I'm thankful for friends to talk and laugh with on our flight, who never ask to get up and go to the bathroom, not even once. (This is you guys, Glenn and Kelly)
Then, I'm thankful for life-long friends. Friends who have seen each other at our best, worst and everything in between and just remain constant. Friends who you know will always be there for you and you will always be there for them - even when they make your pulse go way over 120 while listening to his letter to his daughter, the bride, during the wedding and the one who makes you help her decide on a mother-of-the-bride dress, with 25 choices, and lets me break her thumb from holding her hand so tightly on the Tower of Terror. (Of course, PB and Terri)
Guys, these are my people. Sick or not, I wouldn't miss any of these experiences with any of these friends and look forward to many more. I'm so grateful to God for my amazing hubby, great friends and a God who is always faithful and parts my "Red Sea" every single time! I sure hope you have family and friends like mine!
and above all else love